The RUN 1000 MILES CHALLENGE was born in 2013. A Facebook group was created as a personal challenge to focus on living a healthier life style. In 2020 we began a Strava group to track the yearly mileage and motivate others. As time passed this group began motivating others to push themselves beyond the limits of what they once viewed as impossible. From running to walking, the personal stories began growing and being shared which became fuel for others to create their own journey.
Many of us run for many different reasons. Some do it competitively, some do it for the social aspect, while others do it for a combination of factors including a passion for life. What many do not expect are the friendships that are created along the way. Next you know you become part of this amazing group you begin calling your Running Family.
Why 1,000 miles? Because 2.74 miles a day for 365 days is difficult but not impossible. From walkers-to-runners, 1KRC has a place for everyone.
So are YOU ready to challenge yourself and see how far you can go?
Get inspired, visit it us, and see what we are all about.
Click on the links below to join us on the Facebook group page or on Strava.
Happy running!!!
How does it work? It's all on an honor system. Just click on the Facebook link below and join our family. Go out there walk/run and post your miles, you never know who YOU might be inspiring.
For those that join the group after January, estimate your miles from the beginning of the year to date and start from there. Since it is on an honor system, you determine what counts towards your mileage and just post, post, post!
So there you are, it is that easy. What are you waiting for? All you have to do is do one click.
OVER 23,500
"A Journey Of One Thousand Miles Begins With A Single Step" - Lao Tzu
Have a question about our club? or Anything you might be curious about?
Join and Follow us on INSTAGRAM - @1000milesrunclub or just click on photo below .